András Benkő musician, kobzo performer

András Benkő: ‘About Hungary, our sweet country…’ Catholic Hosanna songs about Hungarian saints

Hungarian folk music & csango folk dance party in Budapest (Saturday)

Live music and folk dance party in Disctrict 11 (called New-Buda), Budapest, Hungary – with András Benkő and The Sültü Band!
Traditional csango folk music from Moldva with Sültü Band every second Saturday evening. TÁNCHÁZ = live folk music, original folk dances, fantastic atmosphere!
You can teach original hungarian folk dances and songs in Budapest at Night. More information:

The program starts with dance from Gyimes or Felcsík from 7pm and than it follows an unique hungarian csango folk dance party (táncház) from 9 pm to 11:35 pm. There is song teaching in the break where you can teach original folk songs by the singer of the Sültü Band.

after coronavirus lockdown ends…
2020 ???? –  19.00-23.30 (
FMH – TEMI Fővárosi Művelődési Háza
1119 Budapest, Fehérvári út 47.

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